The Scrapbook

How do I avoid sibling rivalry?
Here are 8 tips to help an elder child cope with sharing your love when a new baby comes along.

How to Turn Parenting Lemons into Lemonade
Making a mistake is simply that – a mis-take – an indication we need to make a course correction. Seeing mistakes as failures can grind us to a halt, but seeing them as course corrections keep us looking, and moving forward.

How Do You Bounce Back from a Tough Day?
Let’s be honest, sometimes it’s not all aspirational quotes and gratitude when you’re a parent. Sometimes we totally blow it, lose our cool, lose our sh#t, lose our minds. It happens, we’re human. We’re all just perfectly flawed.

How Do You Coach Siblings Through Conflict?
Don't jump in too soon. While it’s tempting to jump in and resolve conflict between our kids, with a little bit of time and dialogue we can create an opportunity that teaches them tools for naming their feelings, problem-solving and resolving their differences in the future ...

School Holiday Trips ... 8 Tips to Avoid a Meltdown
I still remember my parents exclaiming in frustration, “We’ve brought you here to enjoy yourself!” No doubt I would have been mid-whinge about the travel, the activity, the snacks, or any number of things that weren’t meeting my expectations ...