The Scrapbook

No more fuel on the guilt fire
We are humans before we are parents. Just because we have access to knowledge, doesn’t mean we have the capability and capacity to implement it and execute it all of the time. Let's start normalising imperfection.

7 essentials for preparing a courageous schoolkid
All you want is for your child to start school with confidence so you’re not left wondering how you can be there FOR them when you can’t be there WITH them. That's why we’re sharing these 7 things you can start now to help your child start school as a courageous schoolkid.

9 Ways to avoid 'The Cascade of Chaos'
To avoid ‘The Cascade of Chaos’ we don’t just need eyes in the back of our heads to see who’s scaling the pantry shelves for the chippies, we also need eyes fixed on the horizon to see what’s coming that could possibly become a problem.

7 things I needed to know for having a second baby …
Here are 7 things you need to know to transition an elder child into being a great big brother or big sister.

Being ‘The Emotional Catcher’s Mit’
Doing that hard, emotional labour is a role we play that can often not only be overlooked, but sometimes entirely unrecognised. But, the demand on our emotional, mental and physical resources is very real. There’s a reason we sometimes feel exhausted with nothing left to give.

How to Start School with Confidence
At new entrant level, there’s no expectation of academic ability, but there are signs you can look for as an indication of your child's readiness to start school, as well as things you can do to help them prepare to become a confident schoolkid. Three experts give their practical tips.

The Morning Scramble — 4 Tips to Calm the Chaos
It’s a total mystery for me how one morning I can run a tight ship and the next morning, it’s a pirate ship. The timings are the same, the conditions vary only a little ... why is it a total scramble one morning and not on others?

6 Tips for Going Back to School
It seems like there may never be a sense of ‘getting back to normal’, but there are things we can do to create a sense of predictability, consistency and continuity for our kids, even in an unpredictable world that seems to be changing all the time.

5 Questions to Ask Before Your Child Starts School
How do you know if your child is really ready to start school? Here are 5 questions you can think about to help figure out if your child can handle the practical and social demands of joining the school environment.

Separation Anxiety: Make Your Own 'Smile Stone'
If you're thinking about your child starting school, getting back to school after lockdown, moving schools, or just handling separation anxiety, making a 'Smile Stone' can be a helpful and easy thing you can do that empowers kids with a sense of control over the situation they’re in.

How to Tell Kids the Truth About Santa
Kids ask the curliest questions, and almost always without warning. 'Is Santa real?' is one of those doozies! But, we're here to help.

How to Turn Parenting Lemons into Lemonade
Making a mistake is simply that – a mis-take – an indication we need to make a course correction. Seeing mistakes as failures can grind us to a halt, but seeing them as course corrections keep us looking, and moving forward.

Why Do Crying Boys Get Shamed?
When we can hold space for our boys to express their tears, we show them that their experience of their emotions is valid – they are seen, heard and accepted just as they are.

Boys Need to Move to Feel Good
Boys run out of their ‘feel-good’ neurochemical, dopamine, much faster than girls. This means they need to build their levels back up to feel good again – to be able to concentrate and sit still. To build it back up, their bodies need to move.

How Do You Parent Kids on the 'Rooster and Lamb Continuum'?
It’s so powerful to understand your child better; what they need from you as a parent, what competencies they’ll need your help to develop, and how to really connect and communicate with them.

When are Boys REALLY Ready to Start School?
When our little boys turn up in the world as a newborn, the neurological delay that took place during the first trimester as their gender developed, means their brain is slightly behind that of a newborn girl baby.

5 Ways to Start Building Resilience in Your Home
Resiliency is a big, broad term that can be thrown around with frivolous abandon these days. The word seems like a generous garnish of parmesan sprinkled on the pasta of wellbeing! But, while it can be hard to grasp exactly what it means and how it looks in real life, we’d like to be a little more specific.

How Do You Bounce Back from a Tough Day?
Let’s be honest, sometimes it’s not all aspirational quotes and gratitude when you’re a parent. Sometimes we totally blow it, lose our cool, lose our sh#t, lose our minds. It happens, we’re human. We’re all just perfectly flawed.

How Do You Coach Siblings Through Conflict?
Don't jump in too soon. While it’s tempting to jump in and resolve conflict between our kids, with a little bit of time and dialogue we can create an opportunity that teaches them tools for naming their feelings, problem-solving and resolving their differences in the future ...

School Holiday Trips ... 8 Tips to Avoid a Meltdown
I still remember my parents exclaiming in frustration, “We’ve brought you here to enjoy yourself!” No doubt I would have been mid-whinge about the travel, the activity, the snacks, or any number of things that weren’t meeting my expectations ...